
Report of Scholarship

Peer-Reviewed Publications

1.         Rosner W, Toppel S, and Smith RN. Testosterone-estradiol-binding globulin of human plasma: denaturation and protection. Biochim Biophys Acta 1974; 351(1):92-98.

2.         Powell AE, Sloss AM, Smith RN, Makley JT, and Hubay CA. Specific Responsiveness of Leukocytes to Soluble Extracts of Human Tumors. Int J Cancer 1975; 16(6):905-913.

3.         Rosner W and Smith RN.  Isolation and Characterization of Testosterone-Estradiol-Binding Globulin from Human Plasma - Use of a Novel Affinity Column. Biochemistry-US 1975; 14(22):4813-4820.

4.         Smith RN and Powell AE.  Adoptive Transfer of Pregnancy-Induced Unresponsiveness to Male Skin-Grafts with Thymus-Dependent Cells. J Exp Med 1977; 46(3):899-904.

5.         Powell A, Sloss AM, Smith RN, and Murrell H. Antigenic Specificity and Cellular Mechanisms in Leukocyte Adherence Inhibition Analysis of Immunity to Simple Proteins and Hapten-Protein Conjugates. Cancer Res 1978; 39(2):570-575.

6.         Powell AE, Sloss AM, and Smith RN. Leukocyte-Adherence Inhibition - Specific Assay of Cell-Mediated-Immunity Dependent on Lymphokine-Mediated Collaboration Between T-Lymphocytes. J Immunol 1978; 120(6):1957-1966.

7.         Smith RN and Howard JC.  Heterogeneity of the Tolerant State in Rats with Long Established Skin-Grafts. J Immunol 1980; 125(5):2289-2294.

8.         Smith RN. Inability of Tolerant Males to Sire Tolerant Progeny. Nature 1981; 292(5825):767-768.

9.         Battisto JR, Smith RN, Beckman K, Sternlicht M, and Welles WL. 1982. Susceptibility to Adjuvant Arthritis in DA and F344 Rats - A Dominant Trait Controlled by an Autosomal Gene Locus Linked to the Major Histocompatibility Complex. Arthritis Rheum 1982; 25(10):1194-1200.

10.       Smith RN, Margolies RT, and Sternlich M. The Alloantibody Response in the Allogeneically Pregnant Rat. Am J Reprod Immunol 1982; 2(3):168-169.

11.       Smith RN, Sternlicht M, and Butcher GW. The Alloantibody Response in the Allogeneically Pregnant Rat .1.  The Primary and Secondary Responses and Detection of IR Gene-Control. J Immunol 1982; 129(2):771-776.

12.       Smith RN, Margolias RT, and Sternlicht M. 1982. The Alloantibody Response in the Allogeneically Pregnant Rat .2. Primary Pregnancy-Induced Anti-RT1AA Alloantibodies Are Not As Cross-Reactive As Secondary Pregnancy-Induced or Conventionally Raised Alloantibodies J Immunol 1982; 129(2):777-782.

13.       Smith RN and Sternlicht M. The Alloantibody Response in the Allogeneically Pregnant Rat .3.  The Location of the Alloantibody-Forming Cells. J Immunol 1982; 129(2):783-786.

14.       Smith RN. Major Histocompatibility Complex Antigens, Maternal and Paternal Immune-Responses, and Chronic Habitual Abortions in Humans - Discussion. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1982; 143(2):177-178.

15.       Smith RN. Anti-Idiotypic Antibodies in the Allogeneically Pregnant Rat. Am J Reprod Immunol 1983; 3(4):197.

16.       Crowe WE, Battisto JR, and Smith RN. The Autologous Mixed Lymphocyte-Reaction is Decreased in Freunds Adjuvant-Injected Rats of Arthritis-Susceptible and Arthritis-Insusceptible Strains. Arthritis Rheum 1985; 28(5):537-541.

17.       Smith RN, Amsden A, Sudilovsky O, Coleman N, and Margolies R. The Alloantibody Response in the Allogeneically Pregnant Rat .4.  Analysis of the Alloantibody Specificities with Monoclonal-Antibodies. J Immunol 1986; 136(11):4063-4069.

18.       Amsden A, Finke J, Coleman N, and Smith RN. The Alloantibody Response in the Allogeneically Pregnant Rat .5.  Absence of Cell-Mediated-Immunity in High Responders. J Reprod Immunol 1987; 11(4):261-271.

19.       Amsden AF, Smith RN, and Chirakalwasan N. The Alloantibody Response in the Allogeneically Pregnant Rat .6.  Detection in Maternal Serum of Specific Antigen-Antibody Complexes. J Immunol 1988; 141(7):2295-2302.

20.       Hunt JS, Soares MJ, Lei MG, Smith RN, Wheaton D, Atherton RA, and Morrison DC. Products of lipopolysaccharide-activated macrophages (tumor necrosis factor-alpha, transforming growth factor-beta) but not lipopolysaccharide modify DNA synthesis by rat trophoblast cells exhibiting the 80-kDa lipopolysaccharide-binding protein. J Immunol 1989; 143(5):1606-1613.

21.       Meagher R, Amsden A, Hunt J, Soares M, Sogor L, and Smith RN. Placental CSF-Like Activity. Exp Hematol 1990; 18(5):448-451.

22.       Smith RN, Amsden A, Robinson AV, Mayes JT, and Schulak JA. 1992. Multiple pathways in the rejection of skin grafts. J Surg Res 1992; 52(5):413-415.

23.       Reese TG, Weisskoff RM, Smith RN, Rosen BR, Dinsmore RE, and Wedeen VJ. Imaging Myocardial Fiber Architecture In-Vivo with Magnetic-Resonance. Magnet Reson Med 1995; 34(6):786-791.

24.       Mizoguchi A, Mizoguchi E, Smith RN, Preffer FI, and Bhan AK. Suppressive role of B cells in chronic colitis of T cell receptor alpha mutant mice. J Exp Med 1997; 186(10):1749-1756.

25.       Ryan ET, Butterton JR, Smith RN, Carroll PA, Crean TI, and Calderwood SB. Protective immunity against Clostridium difficile toxin A induced by oral immunization with a live, attenuated Vibrio cholerae vector strain. Infect Immun 1997; 65(7):2941-2949.

26.       Gilbert RJ, Reese TG, Daftary SJ, Smith RN, Weisskoff RM, and Wedeen VJ. Determination of lingual myoarchitecture in whole tissue by NMR imaging of anisotropic water diffusion. Am J Physiol-Gastr L 1998; 275(2):G363-G369.

27.       Nagy CS, Smith RN, and Bloch KJ.  Is there an epidemic of single or multiple low concentration monoclonal immunoglobulins (LCMI) in patients' serum? J Allergy Clin Immunol 1998; 101(1):S76-S76.

28.       Friedman T, Smith RN, Colvin RB, and Iacomini J.  A critical role for human CD4(+) T-cells in rejection of porcine islet cell xenografts. Diabetes 1999; 48(12):2340-2348.

29.       Friedman T, Shimizu A, Smith RN, Colvin RB, Seebach JD, Sachs DH, and Iacomini J. Human CD4(+) T cells mediate rejection of porcine xenografts. J Immunol 1999; 162(9):5256-5262.

30.       Imai M, Takigami K, Guckelberger O, Enjyoji K, Smith RN, Lin Y, Csizmadia E, Sevigny J, Rosenberg RD, Bach FH, and Robson SC. Modulation of nucleotide triphosphate diphosphohydrolase-1 (NTPDase-1)/cd39 in xenograft rejection. Mol Med 1999; 5(11):743-752.

31.       Lin Y, Soares MP, Sato K, Takigami K, Csizmadia E, Smith RN, and Bach FH. Accommodated xenografts survive in the presence of anti-donor antibodies and complement that precipitate rejection of naive xenografts. J Immunol 1999; 163(5):2850-2857.

32.       Lin Y, Soares MP, Sato K, Csizmadia E, Robson SC, Smith RN, and Bach FH. 2000. Long-term survival of hamster hearts in presensitized rats. J Immunol 2000; 164(9):4883-4892.

33.       Sevigny J, Robson SC, Waelkens E, Csizmadia E, Smith RN, and Lemmens R. 2000. Identification and characterization of a novel hepatic canalicular ATP diphosphohydrolase. J Biol Chem 2000; 275(8):5640-5647.

34.       Kawai T, Sogawa H, Koulmanda M, Smith RN, O'Neil JJ, Wee SL, Boskovic S, Sykes M, Colvin RB, Sachs DH, Auchincloss H, Jr., Cosimi AB, and DS CK. Long-term islet allograft function in the absence of chronic immunosuppression: a case report of a nonhuman primate previously made tolerant to a renal allograft from the same donor. Transplantation 2001; 72(2):351-354.

36.       Sato K, Balla J, Otterbein L, Smith RN, Brouard S, Lin Y, Csizmadia E, Sevigny J, Robson SC, Vercellotti G, Choi AM, Bach FH, and Soares MP 2001. Carbon monoxide generated by heme oxygenase-1 suppresses the rejection of mouse-to-rat cardiac transplants. J Immunol 2001; 166(6):4185-4194.

37.       Smith RN, Grazette L, and Houser S. Quilty lesions are specific for cardiac allografts and not cyclosporine. Circulation 2001; 104(17):479-480.

38.       Abdi R, Smith RN, Makhlouf L, Najafian N, Luster AD, Auchincloss H, and Sayegh MH 2002. The role of CC chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) in islet allograft rejection. Diabetes 2002; 51(8):2489-2495.

39.       Gunther L, Berberat PO, Haga M, Brouard S, Smith RN, Soares MP, Bach FH, and Tobiasch E. Carbon monoxide protects pancreatic beta-cells from apoptosis and improves islet function/survival after transplantation. Diabetes 2002; 51(4):994-999.

40.       Makhlouf L, Kishimoto K, Smith RN, Abdi R, Koulmanda M, Winn HJ, Auchincloss H, and Sayegh MH. The role of autoimmunity in islet allograft destruction - Major histocompatibility complex class II matching is necessary for autoimmune destruction of allogeneic islet transplants after T-cell costimulatory blockade. Diabetes 2002; 51(11):3202-3210.

41.       Medoff BD, Sauty A, Tager AM, Maclean JA, Smith RN, Mathew A, Dufour JH, and Luster AD. 2002. IFN-gamma-inducible protein 10 (CXCL10) contributes to airway hyperreactivity and airway inflammation in a mouse model of asthma. J Immunol 2002; 168(10):5278-5286.

42.       Niles J, McCluskey RT, and Smith RN. Antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody in the absence of Wegener's granulomatosis or microscopic polyangiitis: Implications for the surgical pathologist. Modern Pathol 2002; 15(11):1236-1236.

43.       Smith RN, Chang YC, Houser S, Dec GW, and Grazette L. Higher frequency of high-grade rejections in cardiac allograft patients after quilty B lesions or grade 2/4 rejections. Transplantation 2002; 73(12):1928-1932.

44.       Wang N, Lee JM, Tobiasch E, Csizmadia E, Smith RN, Gollackes B, Robson SC, Bach FH, and Lin Y. 2002. Induction of xenograft accommodation by modulation of elicited antibody responses1 2. Transplantation 2002; 74(3):334-345.

45.       Ansari MJI, Salama AD, Chitnis T, Smith RN, Yagita H, Akiba H, Yamazaki T, Azuma M, Iwai H, Khoury SJ, Auchincloss H, and Sayegh MH. The programmed death-1 (PD-1) pathway regulates autoimmune diabetes in nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice. J Exp Med 2003; 198(1):63-69.

46.       Koulmanda M, Qipo A, Chebrolu S, O'Neil J, Auchincloss H, and Smith RN. The effect of low versus high dose of streptozotocin in cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascilularis). Am J Transplant 2003; 3(3):267-272.

47.       Koulmanda M, Qipo A, Auchincloss H, and Smith RN. Effects of streptozotocin on autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice. Clin Exp Immunol 2003; 134(2):210-216.

48.       Koulmanda M, Papas KK, Qipo A, Wu H, Smith RN, Weir GC, Auchincloss H, and Colton CK. Islet oxygen consumption rate as a predictor of in vivo efficacy post-transplantation. Ann NY Acad Sci 2003; 10(5):484-484.

49.       Koulmanda M, Qipo AD, Smith RN, and Auchincloss H 2003. Pig islet xenografts are resistant to autoimmune destruction by non-obese diabetic recipients after anti-CD4 treatment. Xenotransplatation. 2003; 10(2):178-184.

50.       Koulmanda M, Qipo A, Smith RN, and Auchincloss H. Xenograft survival of human and pig islet transplants in nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice. Xenotransplatation 2003; 10(5):517-517.

51.       Otterbein LE, Zuckerbraun BS, Haga M, Liu F, Song RP, Usheva A, Stachulak C, Bodyak N, Smith RN, Csizmadia E, Tyagi S, Akamatsu Y, Flavell RJ, Billiar TR, Tzeng E, Bach FH, Choi AMK, and Soares MP. Carbon monoxide suppresses arteriosclerotic lesions associated with chronic graft rejection and with balloon injury. Nat Med 2003; 9(2):183-190.

52.       Tseng WYI, Wedeen VJ, Reese TG, Smith RN, and Halpern EF. Diffusion tensor MRI of myocardial fibers and sheets: Correspondence with visible cut-face texture. J Magn Reson Imaging 2003; 17(1):31-42.

53.       Abdi R, Means TK, Ito T, Smith RN, Najafian N, Jurewicz M, Tchipachvili V, Charo I, Auchincloss H, Sayegh MH, and Luster, A.D. 2004. Differential role of CCR2 in islet and heart allograft rejection: Tissue specificity of chemokine/chemokine receptor function in vivo. J Immunol 2004; 172(2):767-775.

54.       Kawai T, Sogawa H, Boskovic S, Abrahamian G, Smith RN, Wee SL, Andrews D, Nadazdin O, Koyama I, Sykes M, Winn HJ, Colvin RB, Sachs DH, and Cosimi AB. 2004. CD154 blockade for induction of mixed chimerism and prolonged renal allograft survival in nonhuman primates. Am J Transplant 2004; 4(9):1391-1398.

55.       Koulmanda M, Laufer TM, Auchincloss H, and Smith RN 2004. Prolonged survival of fetal pig islet xenografts in mice lacking the capacity for an indirect response. Xenotransplantation. 2004; 11(6):525-530.

56.       Koyama I, Kawai T, Wee SL, Boskovic S, Nadazdin O, Smith RN, Sykes M, Colvin RB, Sachs DH, and Cosimi AB 2004. Development of a mixed chimerism-tolerance inducing nonmyeloablative regimen relevant to cadaver donor transplantation. Am J Transplant 2004; 4:330.

57.       Koyama I, Kawai T, Andrews D, Boskovic S, Nadazdin O, Wee SL, Sogawa H, Wu DL, Smith RN, Colvin RB, Sachs DH, and Cosimi AB. Thrombophilia associated with anti-CD154 monoclonal antibody treatment and its prophylaxis in nonhuman primates. Ann NY Acad Sci 2004; 77(3):460-462.

58.       Nikolic B, Takeuchi Y, Leykin I, Fudaba Y, Smith RN, and Sykes M 2004. Mixed hematopoietic chimerism allows cure of autoimmune diabetes through allogeneic tolerance and reversal of autoimmunity. Diabetes 2004; 53(2):376-383.

59.       Yamashita K, McDaid J, Ollinger R, Tsui TY, Berberat PO, Usheva A, Csizmadia E, Smith RN, Soares MP, and Bach FH. Biliverdin, a natural product of heme catabolism, induces tolerance to cardiac allografts. Faseb J 2004; 18(2):765-767.

60.       Izawa A, Jurewicz M, Ueno T, Ito T, Smith RN, Najafian N, Auchincloss H, Hynes RO, Sayegh MH, and Abdi R. Dissecting the importance of donor and recipient selectins in cardiac allograft rejection using ELP-/- selectin-deficient mice. Am J Transplant 2005; 5:433.

61.       Izawa A, Ueno T, Ito T, Jurewicz M, Smith RN, Auchincloss H, Hynes RO, Sayegh MH, and Abdi R. Role of donor-derived selectins in the development of acute and chronic cardiac allograft rejection. Circulation 2005; 112(17):U260-U260.

62.       Koulmanda M, Zheng XX, Qipo A, Kostaras V, Smith RN, Weir G, Auchincloss HJ, and Strom TB.  A short-term treatment with "power mix" prolonged allogeneic islet graft survival in diabetic cynomolgus monkeys similar to that of an autograft. Am J Transplant 2005; 5:388.

63.       Smith RN, Brousaides N, Grazette L, Saidman S, Semigran M, Disalvo T, Madsen J, Dec GW, Perez-Atayde AR, and Collins AB. C4d deposition in cardiac allografts correlates with alloantibody. J Heart Lung Transpl 2005; 24(9):1202-1210.

64.       Baggish AL, Smith RN, Palacios I, Vlahakes GJ, Yoerger DM, Picard MH, Lowry PA, Jang IK, and Fifer MA. Pathological effects of alcohol septal ablation for hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. Heart 2006; 92(12):1773-1778.

65.       Boskovic S, Kawai T, Smith RN, Wee SL, Nadazdin O, Koyama I, Saidman S, Cardarelli F, Elias N, Sykes M, Strom T, Colvin RB, Sachs DH, and Cosimi AB. Monitoring antidonor alloantibodies as a predictive assay for renal allograft tolerance/long-term observations in nonhuman primates. Transplantation 2006; 82(6):819-825.

66.       Cilmi SA, Karalius BJ, Choy W, Smith RN, and Butterton JR. Fabry disease in mice protects against lethal disease caused by Shiga toxin-expressing enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli. J Infect Dis 2006; 194(8):1135-1140.

67.       Fiorina P, Ansari MJ, Jurewicz M, Barry M, Ricchiuti V, Smith RN, Shea S, Means TK, Auchincloss H, Luster AD, Sayegh MH, and Abdi R. Role of CXC chemokine receptor 3 pathway in renal ischemic injury. J Am Soc Nephrol 2006; 17(3):716-723.

68.       Koulmanda M, Smith RN, Qipo A, Weir G, Auchincloss H, and Strom TB. Prolonged survival of allogeneic islets in cynomolgus monkeys after short-term anti-CD154-based therapy: Nonimmunologic graft failure? Am J Transplant 2006; 6(4):687-696.

69.       Shimizu I, Smith RN, Zhao G, Medof E, and Sykes M. Decay-accelerating factor prevents acute humoral rejection induced by low levels of anti-alphaGal natural antibodies. Transplantation 2006; 81(1):95-100.

70.       Shimizu I, Smith RN, Zhao G, Medof E, and Sykes M. Decay-accelerating factor prevents acute humoral rejection induced by low levels of anti-alphaGal natural antibodies. Transplantation 2006; 81(1):95-100.

71.       Smith RN, Kawai T, Boskovic S, Nadazdin O, Sachs DH, Cosimi AB, and Colvin RB. Chronic antibody mediated rejection of renal allografts: Pathological, serological and immunologic features in nonhuman primates. Am J Transplant 2006; 6(8):1790-1798.

72.       Yamashita K, Ollinger R, McDaid J, Sakahama H, Wang H, Tyagi S, Csizmadia E, Smith RN, Soares MP, and Bach FH. Heme oxygenase-1 is essential for and promotes tolerance to transplanted organs. FASEB J 2006; 20(6):776-778.

73.       Fiorina P, Jurewicz M, Tanaka K, Behazin N, Augello A, Vergani A, von Andrian UH, Smith RN, Sayegh MH, and Abdi R. Characterization of donor dendritic cells and enhancement of dendritic cell efflux with CC-chemokine ligand 21: a novel strategy to prolong islet allograft survival. Diabetes 2007; 56(4):912-920.

74.       Izawa A, Ueno T, Jurewicz M, Ito T, Tanaka K, Takahashi M, Ikeda U, Sobolev O, Fiorina P, Smith RN, Hynes RO, and Abdi R. Importance of donor- and recipient-derived Selectins in cardiac allograft rejection. J Am Soc Nephrol 2007; 18(11):2929-2936.

75.       Koyama I, Nadazdin O, Boskovic S, Ochiai T, Smith RN, Sykes M, Sogawa H, Murakami T, Strom TB, Colvin RB, Sachc DH, Benichou G, Cosimi AB, and Kawai T. Depletion of CD8 memory T cells for induction of tolerance of a previously transplanted kidney allograft. Am J Transplant 2007; 7(5):1055-1061.

76.       Lacy-Hulbert A, Ueno T, Ito T, Jurewicz M, Izawa A, Smith RN, Chase CM, Tanaka K, Fiorina P, Russell PS, Auchincloss H, Sayegh MH, Hynes RO, and Abdi R. beta 3 integrins regulate lymphocyte migration and cytokine responses in heart transplant rejection. Am J Transplant 2007; 7(5):1080-1090.

77.       Smith RN, Ueno T, Ito T, Tanaka K, Shea SP, and Abdi R. Chemokines and chronic heart allograft rejection. Transplantation 2007; 84(3):442-444.

78.       Smith RN, Ueno T, Ito T, Tanaka K, Izawa A, Shea S, Jurewicz M, Sayegh MH, and Abdi R. Chemokines and chronic heart allograft rejection. Am J Transplant 2007; 7:417.

79.       Veronese F, Rotman S, Smith RN, Pelle TD, Farrell ML, Kawai T, Cosimi AB, and Colvin RB. Pathological and clinical correlates of FOXP3(+) cells in renal allografts during acute rejection. Am J Transplant 2007; 7(4):914-922.

80.       Ansaria MJI, Fiorina P, Dada S, Guleria I, Ueno T, Yuan X, Trikudanathan S, Smith RN, Freeman G, and Sayegh MH.  Role of ICOS pathway in autoimmune and alloimmune responses in NOD mice. Clin Immunol 2008; 126(2):140-147.

81.       Kunzli BM, Nuhn P, Enjyoji K, Banz Y, Smith RN, Csizmadia E, Schuppan D, Berberat PO, Friess H, and Robson SC. Disordered pancreatic inflammatory responses and inhibition of fibrosis in CD39-null mice. Gastroenterology 2008; 134(1):292-305.

82.       Smith RN, Kawai T, Boskovic S, Nadazdin O, Sachs DH, Cosimi AB, and Colvin RB. Four stages and lack of stable accommodation in chronic alloantibody-mediated renal allograft rejection in cynomolgus monkeys. Am J Transplant 2008; 8(8):1662-1672.

83.       Smith RN, Kent SC, Nagle J, Selig M, Iafrate AJ, Najafian N, Hafler DA, Auchincloss H, Orban T, and Cagliero E.  Pathology of an islet transplant 2 years after transplantation: Evidence for a nonimmunological loss. Transplantation 2008; 86(1):54-62.

84.       Solez K, Colvin RB, Racusen LC, Haas M, Sis B, Mengeld M, Halloran PF, Baldwin W, Banfi G, Collins AB, Cosio F, David DSR, Drachenberg C, Einecke G, Fogo AB, Gibson IW, Glotz D, Iskandar SS, Kraus E, Lerut E, Mannon RB, Mihatsch M, Nankivell BJ, Nickeleit V, Papadimitriou JC, Randhawa P, Regele H, Renaudin K, Roberts I, Seron D, Smith RN, and Valente M. Banff 07 classification of renal allograft pathology: Updates and future directions. Am J Transplant 2008; 8(4):753-760.

85.       Collins AB, Smith RN, and Stone JR. Classification of amyloid deposits in diagnostic cardiac specimens by immunofluorescence. Cardiovasc Pathol 2009; 18(4):205-216.

86.       Fiorina P, Jurewicz M, Augello A, Vergani A, Dada S, La Rosa S, Selig M, Godwin J, Law K, Placidi C, Smith RN, Capella C, Rodig S, Adra CN, Atkinson M, Sayegh MH, and Abdi R. Immunomodulatory Function of Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Experimental Autoimmune Type 1 Diabetes. J Immunol 2009; 183(2):993-1004.

87.       Pakki Venkata UR, Callum M, Neuman M, Smith RN, and Trebbin W. Lymphaticourinary fistula causing chyluria and nephrotic-range proteinuria. Am J Kidney Dis 2009; 53(5):A33-34.

88.       Seixas E, Gozzelino R, Chora A, Ferreira A, Silva G, Larsen R, Rebelo S, Penido C, Smith RN, Coutinho A, and Soares MP.  Heme oxygenase-1 affords protection against noncerebral forms of severe malaria. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2009; 106(37):15837-15842.

89.       Ueno T, Tanaka K, Jurewicz M, Murayama T, Guleria I, Fiorina P, Paez JC, Augello A, Vergani A, Wong M, Smith RN, and Abdi R. Divergent Role of Donor Dendritic Cells in Rejection versus Tolerance of Allografts. J Am Soc Nephrol 2009; 20(3):535-544.

90.       Wilbur DC, Madi K, Colvin RB, Duncan LM, Faquin WC, Ferry JA, Frosch MP, Houser SL, Kradin RL, Lauwers GY, Louis DN, Mark EJ, Mino-Kenudson M, Misdraji J, Nielsen GP, Pitman MB, Rosenberg AE, Smith RN, Sohani AR, Stone JR, Tambouret RH, Wu CL, Young RH, Zembowicz A, and Klietmann W. Whole-Slide Imaging Digital Pathology as a Platform for Teleconsultation A Pilot Study Using Paired Subspecialist Correlations. Arch Pathol Lab Med 2009; 133(12):1949-1953.

91.       Wong W, Lee RA, Saidman SL, Smith RN, and Zorn E. Bortezomib in kidney transplant recipients with antibody mediated rejection: three case reports. Clin Transpl 2009; 401-405.

92.       Colvin RB, Hirohashi T, Farris AB, Minnei F, Collins AB, and Smith RN. Emerging role of B cells in chronic allograft dysfunction. Kid Int 2010; 78:S13-S17.

93.       Hanto DW, Maki T, Yoon MH, Csizmadia E, Chin BY, Gallo D, Konduru B, Kuramitsu K, Smith RN, Berssenbrugge A, Attanasio C, Thomas M, Wegiel B, and Otterbein LE. Intraoperative administration of inhaled carbon monoxide reduces delayed graft function in kidney allografts in Swine. Am J Transplant 2010; 10(11):2421-2430.

95.       Nikolic B, Onoe T, Takeuchi Y, Khalpey Z, Primo V, Leykin I, Smith RN, and Sykes M. Distinct Requirements for Achievement of Allotolerance Versus Reversal of Autoimmunity via Nonmyeloablative Mixed Chimerism Induction in NOD Mice. Transplantation 2010; 89(1):23-32.

96.       Primo VC, Marusic S, Franklin CC, Goldmann WH, Achaval CG, Smith RN, Arnaout MA, and Nikolic B. Anti-PR3 immune responses induce segmental and necrotizing glomerulonephritis. Clin Exp Immunol 2010; 159(3):327-337.

97.       Smith RN, Frazier E, Howard E, Collins AB, and Weynand B. C4d and C3d Immunofluorescence in Human Heart Transplants and the Diagnosis of Alloantibody Mediated Rejection. Am J Transplant 2010; 10(S4):487.

98.       Weiner J, Yamada K, Ishikawa Y, Moran S, Etter J, Shimizu A, Smith RN, and Sachs DH. Prolonged survival of GalT-KO swine skin on baboons. Ann NY Acad Sci 2010; 17(2):147-152.

99.       Wong W, DeVito J, Nguyen H, Sarracino D, Porcheray F, Dargon I, Pelle PD, Collins AB, Tolkoff-Rubin N, Smith RN, Colvin R, and Zorn E. 2010. Chronic Humoral Rejection of Human Kidney Allografts Is Associated with MMP-2 Accumulation in Podocytes and its Release in the Urine. Am J Transplant 2010; 10(11):2463-2471.

100.     Farris AB, Taheri D, Kawai T, Fazlollahi L, Wong W, Tolkoff-Rubin N, Spitzer TR, Iafrate AJ, Preffer FI, LoCascio SA, Sprangers B, Saidman S, Smith RN, Cosimi AB, Sykes M, Sachs DH, and Colvin RB. Acute Renal Endothelial Injury During Marrow Recovery in a Cohort of Combined Kidney and Bone Marrow Allografts. Am J Transplant 2011; 11(7):1464-1477.

101.     Farris AB, Adams CD, Brousaides N, Della Pelle PA, Collins AB, Moradi E, Smith RN, Grimm PC, and Colvin RB. Morphometric and Visual Evaluation of Fibrosis in Renal Biopsies. J Am Soc Nephrol 2011; 22(1):176-186.

102.     McCausland FR, Varma MC, Goes NB, Heher EC, Markmann JF, Cosimi AB, Elias N, Ko DS, Kawai T, Smith RN, and Rubin MF.  Renal Allograft Rupture: A Strategy for Graft Preservation. Transplantation 2011; 91(9):E67-E69.

103.     Nadazdin O, Boskovic S, Wee SL, Sogawa H, Koyama I, Colvin RB, Smith RN, Tocco G, O'Connor DH, Karl JA, Madsen JC, Sachs DH, Kawai T, Cosimi AB, and Benichou G. Contributions of Direct and Indirect Alloresponses to Chronic Rejection of Kidney Allografts in Nonhuman Primates. J Immunol 2011; 187(9):4589-4597.

104.     Nadazdin O, Boskovic S, Murakami T, Tocco G, Smith RN, Colvin RB, Sachs DH, Allan J, Madsen JC, Kawai T, Cosimi AB, and Benichou G. Host Alloreactive Memory T Cells Influence Tolerance to Kidney Allografts in Nonhuman Primates. Sci Transl Med 2011; 3(86).

105.     Nadazdin O, Boskovic S, Murakami T, Tocco G, Smith RN, Colvin RB, Sachs DH, Allan J, Madsen JC, Kawai T, Cosimi AB, and Benichou G. Host alloreactive memory T cells influence tolerance to kidney allografts in nonhuman primates. Sci Transl Med 2011; 3(86):86ra51.

106.     Nadazdin O, Abrahamian G, Boskovic S, Smith RN, Schoenfeld DA, Madsen JC, Colvin RB, Sachs DH, Cosimi AB, and Kawai T. Stem Cell Mobilization and Collection for Induction of Mixed Chimerism and Renal Allograft Tolerance in Cynomolgus Monkeys. J Surg Res 2011; 168(2):294-300.

107.     Fraser JW, Hastings C, Porcheray F, DeVito J, Dargon I, Helou Y, Ferdman J, Smith RN, and Zorn E. Polyreactive Antibodies Generated Amidst Rejection of Human Kidney Grafts Activate Complement and Deposit C3d/C4d. Am J Transplant 2012; 12:419-420.

108.     Herlitz LC, Bomback AS, Markowitz GS, Stokes MB, Smith RN, Colvin RB, Appel GB, and D'Agati VD.  Pathology after Eculizumab in Dense Deposit Disease and C3 GN. J Am Soc Nephrol 2012; 23(7):1229-1237.

109.     Kim JH, Malhotra R, Chiampas G, d'Hemecourt P, Troyanos C, Cianca J, Smith RN, Wang TJ, Roberts WO, Thompson PD, Baggish AL, and Race Associated Cardiac A. Cardiac Arrest during Long-Distance Running Races. N Eng J Med 2012; 366(2):130-140.

110.     Kim K, Schuetz C, Elias N, Veillette GR, Wamala I, Varma M, Smith RN, Robson SC, Cosimi AB, Sachs DH, and Hertl M.  Up to 9-day survival and control of thrombocytopenia following alpha1,3-galactosyl transferase knockout swine liver xenotransplantation in baboons. Xenotransplantation 2012; 19(4):256-264.

111.     Koulmanda M, Qipo A, Fan Z, Smith RN, Auchincloss H, Zheng XX, and Strom TB. Prolonged survival of allogeneic islets in cynomolgus monkeys after short-term triple therapy. Am J Transplant 2012; 12(5):1296-1302.

112.     Morrow WR, Frazier EA, Mahle WT, Harville TO, Pye SE, Knecht KR, Howard EL, Smith RN, Saylors RL, Garcia X, Jaquiss RDB, and Woodle ES. Rapid Reduction in Donor-Specific Anti-Human Leukocyte Antigen Antibodies and Reversal of Antibody-Mediated Rejection With Bortezomib in Pediatric Heart Transplant Patients. Transplantation 2012; 93(3):319-324.

113.     Roth AJ, Brown MC, Smith RN, Badhwar AK, Parente O, Chung HC, Bunch DO, McGregor JG, Hogan SL, Hu YC, Yang JJ, Berg EA, Niles J, Jennette JC, Preston GA, and Falk RJ. Anti-LAMP-2 Antibodies Are Not Prevalent in Patients With Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Autoantibody Glomerulonephritis. J Am Soc Nephrol 2012; 23(3):545-555.

114.     Siddiquee Z, Zane NA, Smith RN, and Stone JR. Dense IgG4 plasma cell infiltrates associated with chronic infectious aortitis: implications for the diagnosis of IgG4-related disease. Cardiovasc Pathol 2012; 21(6):470-475.

115.     Smith RN, Malik F, Goes N, Farris AB, Zorn E, Saidman S, Tolkoff-Rubin N, Puri S, and Wong WC. Partial therapeutic response to Rituximab for the treatment of chronic alloantibody mediated rejection of kidney allografts. Transplant Immunol 2012; 27(2-3):107-113.

116.     Wang H, Smith RN, Spooner AE, Isselbacher EM, Cambria RP, MacGillivray TE, Stone JH, and Stone JR. Giant cell aortitis of the ascending aorta without signs or symptoms of systemic vasculitis is associated with elevated risk of distal aortic events. Arthritis Rheum 2012; 64(1):317-319.

117.     Yamada Y, Boskovic S, Aoyama A, Murakami T, Putheti P, Smith RN, Ochiai T, Nadazdin O, Koyama I, Boenisch O, Najafian N, Bhasin MK, Colvin RB, Madsen JC, Strom TB, Sachs DH, Benichou G, Cosimi AB, and Kawai T. Overcoming Memory T-Cell Responses for Induction of Delayed Tolerance in Nonhuman Primates. Am J Transplant 2012; 12(2):330-340.

118.     Lee S, Yamada Y, Tonsho M, Boskovic S, Nadazdin O, Schoenfeld D, Cappetta K, Atif M, Smith RN, Cosimi AB, Benichou G, and Kawai T. Alefacept Promotes Immunosuppression-Free Renal Allograft Survival in Nonhuman Primates via Depletion of Recipient Memory T Cells. Am J Transplant 2013; 13(12):3223-3229.

119.     Lunze FI, Colan SD, Gauvreau K, Perez-Atayde AR, Smith RN, Blume ED, and Singh TP. Tissue Doppler imaging for rejection surveillance in pediatric heart transplant recipients. J Heart Lung Transplant 2013; 32(10):1027-1033.

120.     Porcheray F, Fraser JW, Gao B, McColl A, DeVito J, Dargon I, Helou Y, Wong W, Girouard TC, Saidman SL, Colvin RB, Palmisano A, Maggiore U, Vaglio A, Smith RN, and Zorn E. Polyreactive Antibodies Developing Amidst Humoral Rejection of Human Kidney Grafts Bind Apoptotic Cells and Activate Complement. Am J Transplant 2013; 13(10):2590-2600.

121.     Bruinsma BG, Yeh H, Ozer S, Martins PN, Farmer A, Wu W, Saeidi N, Op den Dries S, Berendsen TA, Smith RN, Markmann JF, Porte RJ, Yarmush ML, Uygun K, and Izamis ML. Subnormothermic machine perfusion for ex vivo preservation and recovery of the human liver for transplantation. Am J Transplant 2014; 14(6):1400-1409.

123.     Haas M, Sis B, Racusen LC, Solez K, Glotz D, Colvin RB, Castro MCR, David DSR, David-Neto E, Bagnasco SM, Cendales LC, Cornell LD, Demetris AJ, Drachenberg CB, Farver CF, Farris AB, Gibson IW, Kraus E, Liapis H, Loupy A, Nickeleit V, Randhawa P, Rodriguez ER, Rush D, Smith RN, Tan CD, Wallace WD, Mengel M, and Banff Meeting Report Writing C. Banff 2013 Meeting Report: Inclusion of C4d-Negative Antibody-Mediated Rejection and Antibody-Associated Arterial Lesions. Am J Transplant 2014; 14(2):272-283.

124.     Kawai T, Sachs DH, Sprangers B, Spitzer TR, Saidman SL, Zorn E, Tolkoff-Rubin N, Preffer F, Crisalli K, Gao B, Wong W, Morris H, LoCascio SA, Sayre P, Shonts B, Williams WW Jr., Smith RN, Colvin RB, Sykes M, and Cosimi AB. Long-Term Results in Recipients of Combined HLA-Mismatched Kidney and Bone Marrow Transplantation Without Maintenance Immunosuppression. Am J Transplant 2014; 14(7):1599-1611.

125.     Yeh H, Machaidze Z, Wamala I, Fraser JW, Navarro-Alvarez N, Kim K, Schuetz C, Shi S, Zhu A, Hertl M, Elias N, Farkash EA, Vagefi PA, Varma M, Smith RN, Robson SC, Van Cott EM, Sachs DH, and Markmann JF. Increased transfusion-free survival following auxiliary pig liver xenotransplantation. Xenotransplantation 2014; 21(5):454-64.

126.     Yamada Y, Ochiai T, Boskovic S, Nadazdin O, Oura T, Schoenfeld D, Cappetta K, Smith RN, Colvin RB, Madsen JC, Sachs DH, Benichou G, Cosimi AB, Kawai T.  Use of CTLA4Ig for induction of Mixed Chimerism and Renal Allograft Tolerance in Nonhuman Primates. Am J Transplant 2014; 14(12):2704 -12.

127.     Cheng XS, Adusumalli S, Singh H, DePasse JW, Smith RN, Haupert GTJr. The root of this evil: microangiopathic hemolytic anemia and renal failure. Am J Med 2015; 128(1):21-3.

128.     Aoyama A, Tonsho M, Ng CY, Lee S, Millington T, Nadazdin O, Wain JC, Cosimi AB, Sachs DH, Smith RN, Colvin RB, Kawai T, Madsen JC, Benichou G, Allan JS. Long-term lung transplantation in nonhuman primates. Am J Transplant 2015; 15(5):1415-1420.

129.     Tonsho M, Lee S, Aoyama A, Boskovic S, Nadazdin O, Capetta K, Smith RN, Colvin RB, Sachs DH, Cosimi AB, Kawai T, Madsen JC, Benichou G, and Allan JS.  Tolerance of Lung Allografts Achieved in Nonhuman Primates via Mixed Hematopoietic Chimerism. Am J Transplant, 2015. 15(8):2231-2239.

130.     Lei J, Kim JI, Shi S, Zhang X, Machaidze Z, Lee S, Schuetz C, Martins PN, Oura T, Farkash EA, Rosales IA, Smith RN, Stott R, Lee KM, Soohoo J, Boskovic S, Cappetta K, Nadazdin OM, Yamada Y, Yeh H, Kawai T, Sachs DH, Benichou G, and Markmann JF. Pilot Study Evaluating Regulatory T Cell-Promoting Immunosuppression and Nonimmunogenic Donor Antigen Delivery in a Nonhuman Primate Islet Allotransplantation Model. Am J Transplant, 2015. 15(10):2739-2749.

131.     Siddiquee Z, Smith RN and Stone JR. An elevated IgG4 response in chronic infectious aortitis is associated with aortic atherosclerosis. Mod Pathol, 2015. 28(11):1428-1434.

132.     Yamada Y, Nadazdin O, Boskovic S, Lee S, Zorn E, Smith RN, Colvin RB, Madsen JC, Cosimi AB, Kawai T, and Benichou G.  Repeated Injections of IL-2 Break Renal Allograft Tolerance Induced via Mixed Hematopoietic Chimerism in Monkeys. Am J Transplant, 2015. 15(12): 3055-3066.

133.     Rosales IA, Collins AB, do Carmo PA, Tolkoff-Rubin N, Smith RN, Colvin RB. Immune complex tubulointerstitial nephritis due to autoantibodies to the proximal tubule brush border. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2016 27(2):380-4.

134.     Oura T, Ko DS, Boskovic S, O'Neil JJ, Chipashvili V, Koulmanda M, Hotta K, Kawai K, Nadazdin O, Smith RN, Cosimi AB, and Kawai T.  Kidney versus Islet Allograft Survival after Induction of Mixed Chimerism with Combined Donor Bone Marrow Transplantation. Cell Transplant, 2016. 25(7):1331-41.

135.     O'Connell PJ, Zhang W, Menon MC, Yi Z, Schroppel B, Gallon L, Luan Y, Rosales IA, Ge Y, Losic B, Xi C, Woytovich C, Keung KL, Wei C, Greene I, Overbey J, Bagiella E, Najafian N, Samaniego M, Djamali A, Alexander SI, Nakivell BJ, Chapman JR, Smith RN, Colvin R, Murphy B. Biopsy transcriptome expression profiling to identify kidney transplants at risk of chronic injury: a multicentre, prospective study. Lancet, 2016. 388(10048):983-93.

136.     Hotta K, Aoyama A, Oura T, Yamada Y, Tonsho M, Huh KH, Kawai K, Schoenfeld D, Allan JS, Madsen JC, Benichou G, Smith RN, Colvin RB, Sachs DH, Cosimi AB, Kawai T. Induced regulatory T cells in allograft tolerance via transient mixed chimerism. JCI Insight, 2016. 1(10).pii e86419.

137.     Sise ME, Wisocky J, Rosales IA, Chute D, Holmes JA, Corapi KM, Babitt JL, Tangren JS, Hashemi N, Lundquist AL, Williams WW, Mount DB, Andersson KL, Rennke HG, Smith RN, Colvin R, Thadhani RI, Chung RT.  Lupus-like immune complex-mediated glomerulonephritis in patients with hepatitis C virus infection treated with oral, interferon-free, direct-acting antiviral therapy.  Kidney Int Rep. 2016; 1(3):135-143.

138.     Oura T, Hotta K, Lie J, Markmann J, Rosales I, Dehnadi A, Kawai K, Ndishabandi D, Smith RN, Cosimi AB, Kawai T. Immunosuppression with CD40 costimulatory blockade plus rapamycin for simultaneous islet-kidney transplantation in nonhuman primates. Am J Transplant. 2017. 17(3):646-656.

139.     Bruneval P, Angelini A, Miller D, Potena L, Loupy A, Zeevi A, Reed EF, Dragun D, Reinsmoen N,   Smith RN, West L, Tebutt S, Thum T, Haas M, Mengel M, Revelo P, Fedrigo M, Duong Van Huyen JP, Berry GJ. The XIIIth Banff Conference on Allograft pathology: The Banff 2015 Heart meeting report: Improving antibody-mediated rejection diagnostics: strenghts, unmet needs and future directions. Am J Transplant. 2017; (1):42-53.

140.     Fischer K, Ohori S, Meral FC, Uehara M, Giannini S, Ichimura T, Smith RN, Jolesz FA, Guleria I, Zhang Y, White PJ, McDannold NJ, Hoffmeister K, Givertz MM, Abdi R. Testing the efficacy of contrast-enhanced ultrasound in detecting transplant rejection using a murine model of heart transplantation.  Am J Transplant. 2017; 17(7):1791-1801.

141.     Machaidze Z, Yeh H, Wei L, Schuetz C, Carvello M, Sgroi A, Smith RN, Schuurman HJ, Sachs DH, Morel P, Markmann JF, Buhler LH.  Testing of microencapsulated porcine hepatocytes in a new model of fulminant liver failure in baboons.  Xenotransplantation. 2017; 24(3).

142.     Adam BA, Smith RN, Rosales IA, Matsunami M, Afzali B, Oura T, Cosimi AB, Kawai T, Colvin RB, Mengel M.  Chronic antibody-mediated rejection in nonhuman primate renal allografts:  Validation of human histological and molecular phenotypes. Am J Transplant. 2017; 17(11):2841-            2850.

143.     Oura T, Hotta K, Lei J, Markmann J, Rosales I, Dehnadi A, Kawai K, Ndishabandi D, Smith RN, Cosimi AB, and Kawai T.  Immunosuppression with CD40 Costimulatory Blockade Plus Rapamycin for Simultaneous Islet-Kidney Transplantation in Nonhuman Primates. Am J Transplant. 2017; 17(3):646-656.

144.     Dehnadi A, Cosimi AB, Smith RN, Li X, Alonso JL, Means TK and Arnaout MA.  Prophylactic orthosteric inhibition of leukocyte integrin CD11b/CD18 prevents long-term fibrotic kidney in cynomolgus monkeys.  Nat Commun 2017; 8: p. 1-11.

144.     Smith RN, Matsunami M, Adam BA, Rosales IA, Oura T, Cosimi AB, Kawai T, Mengel M, Colvin RB.  RNA expression profiling of non-human primate renal allograft rejection identifies tolerance.  Am J Transplant. 2018 Jun;18(6):1328-1339. doi: 1111/ajt.14637. Epub 2018 Feb 17. PMID: 29288556.

145.     Smith RN, Adam BA, Rosales IA, Matsunami M, Oura T, Cosimi AB, Kawai T, Mengel M, Colvin RB. RNA expression profiling of renal allografts in a non-human primate identifies variation in NK and endothelial gene expression. Am J Transplant. 2018 Jun;18(6):1340-1350. doi: 10.1111/ajt.14639. epub 2018 Feb 2. PMID: 29286578.

146.     Hotta K, Oura T, Dehnadi A, Boskovic S, Matsunami M, Rosales I, Smith RN, Colvin RB, Cosimi AB, Kawai T.  Long-term nonhuman primate renal allograft survival without ongoing immunosuppression in recipients of delayed donor bone marrow transplantation. Transplantation. 2018 Apr;102(4):e128-e136. doi: 10.1097/TP.0000000000002078. PMID: 29300231.  

147.     Matsunami, M., I.A. Rosales, B.A. Adam, T. Oura, M. Mengel, R.N. Smith, H. Lee, A.B. Cosimi, R.B. Colvin, and T. Kawai. 2019. Long-term Kinetics of Intragraft Gene Signatures in Renal Allograft Tolerance Induced by Transient Mixed Chimerism. Transplantation 103:e334-e344.

148.     Morris, A.D., R.N. Smith, and J.R. Stone. 2019. The pathology and changing epidemiology of dialysis-related cardiac beta-2 microglobulin amyloidosis. Cardiovasc Pathol 42:30-35.

149.     Muhsin, S.A., R. Masia, R.N. Smith, Z.S. Wallace, C.A. Perugino, J.H. Stone, J.L. Niles, and F.B. Cortazar. 2019. Phospholipase A2 receptor-associated membranous nephropathy in a patient with IgG4-related disease: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore) 98:e15616.

150.     Shah, N., I. Rosales, R.N. Smith, J.E. Berchuck, A.J. Yee, and N. Tolkoff-Rubin. 2019. When acute kidney injury in the intensive care unit is not acute tubular necrosis: A case report of kappa-light chain crystalline tubulopathy. Clin Nephrol 91:311-316.

151.     van der Zwan, M., C.C. Baan, R.B. Colvin, R.N. Smith, R.A. White, D. Ndishabandi, A.L. Nigg, T.P.P. van den Bosch, G.N. de Graav, M.C. Clahsen-van Groningen, and D.A. Hesselink. 2019. Immunomics of Renal Allograft Acute T Cell-Mediated Rejection Biopsies of Tacrolimus- and Belatacept-Treated Patients. Transplant Direct 5:e418.

152.     Zhang, W., Z. Yi, K.L. Keung, H. Shang, C. Wei, P. Cravedi, Z. Sun, C. Xi, C. Woytovich, S. Farouk, W. Huang, K. Banu, L. Gallon, C.N. Magee, N. Najafian, M. Samaniego, A. Djamali, S.I. Alexander, I.A. Rosales, R.N. Smith, J. Xiang, E. Lerut, D. Kuypers, M. Naesens, P.J. O'Connell, R. Colvin, M.C. Menon, and B. Murphy. 2019. A Peripheral Blood Gene Expression Signature to Diagnose Subclinical Acute Rejection. J Am Soc Nephrol 30:1481-1494.

153.     Zhang, W., Z. Yi, C. Wei, K.L. Keung, Z. Sun, C. Xi, C. Woytovich, S. Farouk, L. Gallon, M.C. Menon, C. Magee, N. Najafian, M.D. Samaniego, A. Djamali, S.I. Alexander, I.A. Rosales, R.N. Smith, P.J. O'Connell, R. Colvin, P. Cravedi, and B. Murphy. 2019. Pretransplant transcriptomic signature in peripheral blood predicts early acute rejection. JCI Insight 4:

154.     Loupy, A., M. Haas, C. Roufosse, M. Naesens, B. Adam, M. Afrouzian, E. Akalin, N. Alachkar, S.             Bagnasco, J.U. Becker, L.D. Cornell, M.C. Clahsen-van Groningen, A.J. Demetris, D. Dragun,    J.P. Duong van Huyen, A.B. Farris, A.B. Fogo, I.W. Gibson, D. Glotz, J. Gueguen, Z. Kikic, N.            Kozakowski, E. Kraus, C. Lefaucheur, H. Liapis, R.B. Mannon, R.A. Montgomery, B.J. Nankivell,          V. Nickeleit, P. Nickerson, M. Rabant, L. Racusen, P. Randhawa, B. Robin, I.A. Rosales, R.         Sapir-Pichhadze, C.A. Schinstock, D. Seron, H.K. Singh, R.N. Smith, M.D. Stegall, A. Zeevi, K.   Solez, R.B. Colvin, and M. Mengel. 2020. The Banff 2019 Kidney Meeting Report (I): Updates on and clarification of criteria for T cell- and antibody-mediated rejection. Am J Transplant. 2020            Sep;20(9):2318-2331. doi:  10.1111/ajt.15898. Epub 2020 May 28.  PMID: 32463180

155.     Mengel M, A. Loupy, M. Haas, C. Roufosse, M. Naesens, E. Akalin, M.C. Clahsen-van    Groningen, J. Dagobert, A.J. Demetris, J.P. Duong van Huyen, J. Gueguen, F. Issa, B. Robin, I.        Rosales, J.H. Von der Thusen, A. Sanchez-Fueyo, R.N. Smith, K. Wood, B. Adam, and R.B.            Colvin. 2020. Banff 2019 Meeting Report: Molecular diagnostics in solid organ transplantation -        Consensus for the Banff Human Organ Transplant (B-HOT) gene panel and open source     multicenter validation. Am J Transplant. 2020 Sep;20(9):2305-2317. doi: 10.1111/ajt.16059. Epub 2020 Jun 27.  PMID: 32428337.

156.     Smith, RN. In-Silico Performance, Validation, and Modeling of the Nanostring Banff Human  Organ Transplant Gene Panel using Archival Data from Human Kidney Transplants. BMC Medical Genomics, 2021; 14:86. 

Research publications without named authorship (formally cited; contributions of data) 

1.       Jaeckel E, Klein L, Martin-Orozco N, Von Boehmer H. Normal incidence of diabetes in NOD mice tolerant to glutamic acid decarboxylase. J Exp Med 2003; 197;(12):1635-44.

2.       Abraham EJ, Kodama S, Lin JC, Ubeda M, Faustman DL, Habener, J. Human pancreatic islet-derived progenitor cell engraftment in immunocompetent mice. Am J Pathol 2004; 164 (3):817-830.

3.      Wijkstrom M, Kirchhof N, Graham M, Ingulli E, Colvin RB, Christians U, Hering BJ, Schuurman HJ. Cyclosporine toxicity in immunosuppressed streptozotocin-diabetic nonhuman primates. Toxicology 2005; 207(1):117-27.

4.      Krishna, RP and Myles M.  Needle in a Haystack. N Engl J Med 2006; 354;68-73.

5.      Fischer SA, Graham MB, Kuehnert MJ, Kotton CN, Srinivasan A, Marty FM, Comer JA, Guarner J, Paddock CD, DeMeo DL, Shieh WJ, Erickson BR, Bandy U, DeMaria A, Jr., Davis JP, Delmonico FL, Pavlin B, Likos A, Vincent MJ, Sealy TK, Goldsmith CS, Jernigan DB, Rollin PE, Packard MM, Patel M, Rowland C, Helfand RF, Nichol ST, Fishman JA, Ksiazek T, Zaki SR. Transmission of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus by organ transplantation. N Engl J Med 2006; 354 (21):2235-49.

6.      Koulmanda M, Budo E, Bonner-Weir S, Qipo A, Putheti P, Degauque N, Shi H, Fan Z, Flier JS, Auchincloss H Jr, Zheng XX, Strom TB. Modification of adverse inflammation is required to cure new-onset type 1 diabetic hosts. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2007 Aug 7; 104(32):13074-9.

7.      Sise, M.E., G.C. Lo, R.H. Goldstein, A.S. Allegretti, and R. Masia. 2017. Case 12-2017 - A 34-Year-Old Man with Nephropathy. N Engl J Med 376:1575-1585.

8.      Falk, R.J., J.S. Husseini, A.Z. Fenves, and I.A. Rosales. 2018. Case 24-2018: A 71-Year-Old Man with Acute Renal Failure and Hematuria. N Engl J Med 379:568-578.

9.      Isselbacher, E.M., N.M. Meyersohn, A.A. Sarma, A.E. Spooner, and K.J. Tomaszewski. 2018. Case 38-2018: A 54-Year-Old Man with New Heart Failure. N Engl J Med 379:2362-2372.

10.    Kao, A.Y., P. Sagar, J.E. Klig, A. Sharma, and K.J. Tomaszewski. 2018. Case 19-2018: A 15-Year-Old Girl with Acute Kidney Injury. N Engl J Med 378:2421-2429.

11.    Soumerai, J.D., S.H. Tajmir, M.S. Hirsch, and L.R. Massoth. 2019. Case 7-2019: A 73-Year-Old Woman with Swelling of the Right Groin and Fever. N Engl J Med 380:859-868.

12.    Wojciechowski, D., R.T. Gandhi, and I.A. Rosales. 2019. Case 11-2019: A 49-Year-Old Man with HIV Infection and Chronic Kidney Disease. N Engl J Med 380:1464-1472.

13.    Ison, M.G., T.A. Lebeis, N. Barros, G.D. Lewis, and L.R. Massoth. 2019. Case 20-2019: A 52-Year-Old Woman with Fever and Rash after Heart Transplantation. N Engl J Med 380:2564-2573.

14.    Lundquist, A.L., S. Kalim, A. Mojtahed, and K.J. Tomaszewski. 2020. Case 13-2020: A 29-Year-Old Man with High Blood Pressure, Renal Insufficiency, and Hematuria. N Engl J Med 382:1639-1647.

 Non-peer reviewed scientific or medical publications/materials in print or other media

Reviews, chapters, monographs and editorials


1.         Smith RN. Review of the Plenary Session, "Maternal Immunology." 3rd Int. Congress of Reprod. Immunol., 1986. Banff, Alberta, Canada.

2.         Smith RN, Amsden A, and Chirakalwasan N. Paternal Antigen and the Pregancy Induced Alloantibody Response. In: Symposium on Reprod Immunol INSERM 1987.

3.         Bhan AK, Mizoguchi E, Smith RN, and Mizoguchi A. Colitis in transgenic and knockout animals as models of human inflammatory bowel disease. Immunol Rev 1999; 169:195-207.

4.         Bhan AK, Mizoguchi E, Smith RN, and Mizoguchi A. Lessons for human inflammatory bowel disease from experimental models. Curr Opin Gastroenterol 1999; 15(4):285-290.

5.         Bhan AK, Mizoguchi E, Smith RN, and Mizoguchi A. Spontaneous chronic colitis in TCR alpha-mutant mice; an experimental model of human ulcerative colitis. Int Rev Immunol 2000; 19(1):123-138.

6.         Soares MP, Brouard S, Smith RN, and Bach FH. Heme oxygenase-1, a protective gene that prevents the rejection of transplanted organs. Immunological Reviews 2001; 184:275-285.

7.         Colvin RB and Smith RN. Antibody-mediated organ-allograft rejection. Nat Rev Immunol 2005; 5(10):807-817.

8.         Cornell LD, Smith RN, and Colvin RB. Kidney transplantation: Mechanisms of rejection and acceptance. in:  Annual Review of Pathology-Mechanisms of Disease. 2008 p. 189-220.

9.         Akiyoshi T, Hirohashi T, Alessandrini A, Chase CM, Farkash EA, Smith RN, Madsen JC, Russell PS, and Colvin RB. Role of complement and NK cells in antibody mediated rejection. Hum Immunol 2012; 73(12):1226-1232.

10.       Smith RN and Colvin RB. Chronic alloantibody mediated rejection. Semin Immunol 2012; 24(2):115-121.

 Book Chapters/Reviews

 1.         Rosner W. and Smith RN. Isolation of testosterone estradiol binding globulin. in:  Methods in Enzymology. B.W. O'Malley and J.G. Hardman, Editors. 1975, Elsevier. Chapter 10. p. 109-120.

2.         Smith RN, Amsden A, Sudilovsky O, Coleman N, and Margolies R.  1987.  Analysis with monoclonal antibodies of the alloantibody response in the allogeneically pregnant rat.  In:  Immunoregulation and Fetal Survival. Ed. T. Wegman & T. Gill.  Oxford Univ. Press, 27-36.

3.         Mark EJ, Smith RN, Stone JH, Flieder DB, Sharma A, and Matsubara O. Pulmonary vasculitis and pulmonary hemorrhage syndromes. in:  Spencer's Pathology of the Lung. P. Hasleton and D.B. Flieder, Editors. 2013, Cambridge University Press. Chapter 19. p. 711-766.

 Letters to the Editor

 1.         Niles J, McCluskey RT, and Smith RN. Antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody in the absence of Wegener's granulomatosis or microscopic polyangiitis: Implications for the surgical pathologist. Mod Pathol 2002; 15(11):1236-1236.


 1.         Smith, RN and Colvin, RB. Prediction is hard, especially regarding the future. Editorial On: Einecke G, Reeve J, Gupta G, et al. Factors associated with kidney graft survival in pure antibody-mediated rejection at the time of indication biopsy: importance of parenchymal injury but not disease activity [published online ahead of print 2020]. Am J Transplant.

 Case reports

Case Records of the Massachusetts General Hospital. Weekly Clinicopathological Exercises.

 1.         Gorbach SL, Graemecook F, Smith RN, Mayosmith WW, Amrein PC, and Mattia AR. A 58-year-old Woman with Bloody Diarrhea After Chemotherapy for Carcinoma of the Tongue - Hemorrhagic Colitis with Transmural Necrosis Consistent with Escherichia-Coli Serotype 0157-H7 Infection. N Engl J Med 1994; 330(25):1811-1817.

2.         Hauser SC, Murphy BL, and Smith RN. A 71-year-old woman with right-lower-quadrant pain and a cecal mass - Solitary cecal ulcer. N Engl J Med 1995; 333(26):1764-1769.

3.         Ives DV, Chung KY, Scully RE, Basgoz N, Smith RN, and Ueda PL. A 48-year-old man with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, abdominal pain, and bloody diarrhea - Pseudomembranous colitis associated with toxin-producing C-difficile infection and cytomegalovirus colitis. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. N Engl J Med 1996; 334(22):1461-1467.

4.         Mansell AL, Bramson RT, Shannon DC, Kinane TB, Mark EJ, Schmidt EV, Ferguson WS, Feldman MJ, Smith RN, and Pasternack MS. An 18-month-old immunosuppressed boy with bilateral pulmonary infiltrates - Parainfluenza virus type 3 pneumonia with giant cells (giant-cell pneumonia). N Engl J Med 1996; 335(15):1133-1140.

5.         Ludmir J, Slanetz PJ, Colvin RB, Williams WW, Thadhani RI, Smith RN, and Greene MF. A 30-year-old woman with increasing hypertension and proteinuria - Glomerulopathy associated with preeclampsia and the nephrotic syndrome. Small, hypermature placenta with decidual necrotizing vasculopathy. N Engl J Med 1998; 339(13):906-913.

6.         Sheets EE, Trotman-Dickenson B, Kalil A, Nikrui N, and Smith RN. A 31-year-old woman with a pleural effusion, ascites, and persistent fever spikes - Tuberculous peritonitis due to M-tuberculosis. N Engl J Med 1998; 338(4):248-254.

7.         DiSalvo TG, King ME, Smith RN, Ko JP, Mark EJ, Baker GP, Demirjian Z, and Bloch KJ. A 66-year-old woman with diabetes, coronary disease, orthostatic hypotension, and the nephrotic syndrome - Systemic amyloidosis, AL type, with restrictive cardiomyopathy and involvement of the kidneys, spleen, larynx, blood vessels, and peripheral nerves. N Engl J Med 2000; 342(4):264-273.

8.         Coggins CH, Bazari H, McCluskey RT, Spragg D, and Smith RN. Rapidly progressive renal failure in a 35-year-old woman with systemic lupus erythematosus. Antiphospholipid-antibody syndrome, catastrophic, with renal thrombotic microangiopathy due to systemic lupus erythematosus. Lupus nephritis, mild. N Engl J Med 2001; 344(15):1152-1158.

9.         Bloom BJ and Smith RN. Case records of the Massachusetts General Hospital. Weekly clinicopathological exercises. Case 29-2002. A 17-year-old boy with acute mitral regurgitation and pulmonary edema. N Engl J Med 2002; 347(12):921-928.

10.       Helfgott SM and Smith RN. A 21-year-old man with arthritis during treatment for hyperthyroidism - Propylthiouracil-induced, ANCA-positive vasculitis. N Engl J Med 2002; 347(2):122-130.

11.       Ronthal M, Gonzalez RG, Smith RN, and Frosch MP. A man with repetitive strokes in the posterior circulation - Giant-cell arteritis. N Engl J Med 2003; 349(2):170-180.

12.       Medoff BD, Shepard JO, Smith RN, and Kratz A. A 22-year-old woman with back and leg pain and respiratory failure. N Engl J Med 2005; 352(23):2425-2434.

13.       Wolf M, Harris NL, Smith RN, Rose H, and McCluskey RT. A 42-year-old man with weight loss, weakness, and a rash - Necrotizing glomerulonephritis and tubulointerstitial nephritis with antibodies to myeloperoxidase; renal involvement by the Churg-Strauss syndrome. N Engl J Med 2005; 353(11):1148-1157.

14.       Picard MH, Rosenfield K, Digumarthy S, Smith RN, and Harris NL. A Woman with Chest Pain during an Airplane Flight Myocardial infarction and rupture of the free wall of the left ventricle. N Engl J Med 2010; 363(27):2652-2661.

15.       Scott, NS, Thomas, SS, DeFaria, YD., Fox, AS, and Smith, RN. A 26 year old pregnant woman with ventrcular tachycardia and shock. Case 2-2021. New Engl J Med 21, 386 (3): 272-283, 2021


The Immunological Maintenance of Pregnancy. 1977. Case Western Reserve University.

 Abstracts, Poster Presentations and Exhibits Presented at Professional Meetings, Not Presented as Publications above.

 1.         Rosner W and Smith RN. Isolation of Testosterone-Estradiol-Binding Globulin from Human Plasma by Affinity Chromatography. J Clin Invest 1974; 53(6):A67-A68.

2.         Powell AE, Smith RN, and Sloss AM. Leukocyte Adherence Inhibition (LAI) - An Invitro Analysis for Cell-Mediated-Immunity. Fed Proc 1976; 35(3):472-472.

3.         Powell AE, Smith RN, and Sloss AM. Leukocyte Adherence Inhibition: An In Vitro Analysis for Cell Mediated Immunity. Fed Proc 1976; 35(472):1469.

4.         Powell AE, Sloss AM, Smith RN, and Makley JT. Specific cell mediated tumor immunity in sarcoma patients. Trans. Twenty-Second Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society. 1976; 1(44).

5.         Smith RN and Powell AE. Immunological Maintenance of Pregnancy - Evidence for a Specific Regulatory Mechanism. Fed Proc 1976; 35(3):650-650.

6.         Smith RN and Powell EA. The Immunological Maintenance of Pregnancy: Evidence for a Specific Regulatory Mechanism. Fed Proc 1976; 35(472):2448.

7.         Smith RN and Howard JC. The Adoptive Transfer of Neonatal Tolerance. 1978. 7th Int. Cong. Transplantation Society, Rome.

8.         Powell AE, Sloss AM, Smith RN, and Murrell H. Antigenic specificities and cellular mechanisms in the leukocyte adherence inhibition analysis of simple proteins and hapten protein conjugates. Cancer Res 1979; 39:570.

9.         Smith RN, Butcher GW, Howard JC, and Livingstone AM. H-Y specific T cell CTLs in the rat. 3rd Work shop of Alloantigenic Systems in the Rat, 1980. Philadelphia.

10.       Smith, A.J. and Sternlicht, M. 1981. The location of the alloantibody forming cells in the allogeneically pregnant rat. J Reprod Immunol S37.

11.       Smith RN and Sternlicht M. The primary alloantibody response in the allogeneically pregnant rat. J Reprod Immuno. 1981; S37.

12.       Smith RN and Sternlich M. The secondary alloantibody response in the allogeneically pregnant rat. J Reprod Immunol 1981; S37.

13.       Battisto J, Smith RN, Beckman K, Sternlich M, and Welles W.  A dominant autosomal gene controls the adjuvant arthritic response in rats. VIII Pan American Congress of Rheumatology, Atlanta, Georgia 1982; 25(4 Suppl): p. S96-S96.

14.       Smith RN. Anti-Idiotypic Antibodies in the Allogeneically Pregnant Rat. IV Int. Symp Am Soc Reprod Immunol, 1982. Park City, UT.

15.       Smith RN, Margolis RT, and Sternlich M. The induction of auto-anti-idiotypic antibodies against a MHC alloantibody. III Int. Symp. On Reprod. Immunol., 1982. North Carolina.

16.       Crow WE, Battisto J, and Smith RN. Complete Freund's Adjuvant Causing Decreased T-Non T Autologous Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction in Arthritis Susceptible DA and Non-Susceptible F344 Rats Amer Fed Clin Res1983.

17.       Crowe WE, Battisto JR, and Smith RN. Complete Freund Adjuvant Causes Decreased T-Non-T Autologous Mixed Lymphocyte-Reaction in Arthritis-Susceptible and Insusceptible Rats Clin Res 1983; 31(4):A731-A731.

18.       Crowe WE, Battisto J, and Smith RN. The Autologous Mixed, Lymphocyte Reaction is Decreased in Rats with Adjuvant Induced Arthritis in Arthritic Resistant Rats Given Complete Freund's Adjuvant. Amer Rheum Assoc, 1984. Minneapolis, MN.

19.       Smith RN, Amsden A, Mayes JT, and Schulak JA. Multiple Pathways in the Rejection of Skin Grafts. Assoc Acad Surgery, 1991. Colorado.

20.       Bhan AK, Mizoguchi E, Smith RN, and Mizoguchi A. Chronic Colitis in TCR-Alpha Knockout Mice. Center of the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease.  Eighth Annual Workshop. 1998. Charlestown, MA.

21.       Mizoguchi A, Mizoguchi E, Smith RN, Higaki K, and Bhan AK. Hyperreactivity of B Cells in the Appendix Lymphoid Follicle of TCR Alpha Knockout Mice. Gastroenterology 1998; 114:A1041.

22.       Mizoguchi A, Mizoguchi E, Smith RN, Higaki K, and Bhan AK. Pathogenic Role of IL-4 But Not IFN-Gamma in Colitis of TCR Alpha Knockout Mice. Gastroenterology 1998; 114:A1041.

23.       Nagy CS, Smith RN, and Bloch KJ. Increase Numbers of Patients with Single or Multiple Monoclonal Immunoglobins. American Academia of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology.1998.

24.       Bhan AK, Mizoguchi E, Smith RN, and Mizoguchi A. Chronic Colitis in the TCR-Alpha Knock-Out Mouse.  An Experimental Model of Human Ulcerative Colitis. 1999. Keystone Meetings.

25.       Friedman T, Smith RN, Sachs DH, and Iacomini J. Human CD4+ T Cells Mediate Rejection of Fetal Porcine Islet Cell Clusters in an Immunodeficient Mouse Model. 7th World Congress of the International Pancreas & Islet Transplant Association.  1999. Sydney NSW, Australia.

26.       Kato K, Smith RN, Lin Y, Czismadia E, Brouard S, Sevigny J, Otterbein L, Choi AM, Robson SC, Bach FH, and Soares MP. Expression of HO-1 in Xenografts that Accommodate is Necessary Only During 2-7 Days Post-Transplantation. 5th Congress of the International Xenotransplantation Association.  1999. Nagoya, Japan.

27.       Kato K, Smith RN, Lin Y, Czismadia E, Brouard S, Sevigny J, Otterbein L, Choi AM, Robson SC, Bach FH, and Soares M. Generation of Carbon Monoxide by Heme Oxygenase-1 (HO-1) Accounts for the HO-1 Mediated Protection in Preventing Xenograft Rejection. 5th Congress of the International Xenotransplantation Association.  1999. Nagoya, Japan.

28.       Koulmada M, Smith RN, Shea S, Laufer TM, and Auchincloss H. Xenograft Survival in Fetal Pig Islets in Mice with CD4+ T Cells but Class II-/- APC. 1999. American Society of Transplant Physicians.

29.       Koulmada M, Smith RN, Shea S, Laufer TM, and Auchincloss H. Xenograft Survival of Fetal Pig Islets in Mice with CD4+ T Cells But Class II-/APC. 7th World Congress of the International Pancreas & Islet Transplant Association.  1999. Sydney NSW, Australia.

30.       Koulmada M, Smith RN, Shea S, Laufer TM, and Auchincloss H. Xenograft Survival of Fetal Pig Islets in Mice with CD4+T Cells But Class II-/APC. 5th Congress of the International Xenotransplantation Association.  1999. Nagoya, Japan.

31.       Koulmanda M, Smith RN, Shea S, Laufer TM, and Auchincloss H. Xenograft survival of fetal pig islets in mice with CD4+T cells but class II-/- APC. Transplantation. 1999;67(7):S221-S221.

32.       Lin Y, Soares MP, Sato K, Takigami K, Csizmadia E, Lindman R, Smith RN, and Bach FH. Accommodated Xenografts Survive in the Presence of Anti-Donor Antibodies and Complement that Precipitate Rejection of Naive Xenografts. 5th Congress of the International Xenotransplantation Association.  1999. Nagoya, Japan.

33.       Lin Y, Soares MP, Sato K, Takigami K, Csizmadia E, Lindman R, Smith RN, Robson SC, and Bach FH. Long Term Survival of Hamster Hearts in Presensitized Rats. 5th Congress of the International Xenotransplantation Association.  1999. Nagoya, Japan.

34.       Lin Y, Soares MP, Sato K, Takigami K, Csizmadia E, Lindman R, Smith RN, and Bach FH. Th2 Immune Response Promotes Survival of Xenografts. 5th Congress of the International Xenotransplantation Association.  1999. Nagoya, Japan.

35.       Mizoguchi A, Mizoguchi E, Saubermann LJ, Higaki K, Smith RN, Blumberg RS, and Bhan AK. Clonal Expansions of the Colonic Vbeta8.2 CD4+ T-Cells in the TCR Alpha Knockout Model of Chronic Colitis are Characterized by a Unique CDR3 Region Pattern. 1999. Keystone Meetings.

36.       Sato K, Lin Y, Smith RN, Czismadia E, Takigami K, Choi AM, Bach FH, and Soares M. Early inhibition of heme oxygenase enzymatic activity precipitates xenograft rejection. Transplantation. 1999;67(7):S135-S135.

37.       Sato K, Sevigny J, Robson SC, Otterbein L, Choi AM, Smith RN, Lin Y, Brouard S, Bach FH, and Soares M. Inhibition of Platelet Activation by Heme Oxygenase-1 (HO-1) May Play a Key Role in Preventing Xenograft Rejection. 5th Congress of the International Xenotransplantation Association.  1999. Nagoya, Japan.

38.       Sevigny J, Lemmens R, Csizmadia E, Smith RN, and Robson SC. Canalicular Ecto-ATPase is a Novel Member of the GDA 1/CD39 NTPase Family. Amer. Assoc. for the Study of Liver Diseases.  1999. Dallas, TX. USA.

39.       Takigami K, Sato K, Smith RN, Latinne D, Bazin H, Bach FH, and Soares M. Protective Genes Can Be Expressed in Cardiac Xenografts in the Absence of T Cells and/or Xenoreactive Antibodies. Xenotransplantation. 1999.

40.       Tseng WYI, Reese TG, Smith RN, Halprin E, and Wedeen VJ. Histologic Correlation of Myocardial Diffusion Tensor MRI: Fibers and Sheets Both Contribute. 7th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.  1999. Philadelphia, PA. USA.

41.       Kawai T, Sogawa H, Koulmada M, Ko D, Oneal J, Wee SL, Smith RN, Hong H, Wu D, Colvin RB, Sachs DH, Auchincloss H, and Cosimi AB.  Successful induction of tolerance of pancreatic islets between MHC-mismatched nonhuman primates. Transplantation 2000; 69(8):S304-S305.

42.       Wang N, Lee JM, Soares MP, Csizmadia E, Xu D, Liew FY, Smith RN, Bach FH, and Lin Y. TH2 cytokines regulate gene expression and proinflammatory responses in xenografts. Transplant Proc 2001; 33(1-2):776-777.

43.       Koulmanda M, Qipo A, Smith RN, and Auchincloss H. 2001. Autoimmune destruction versus xenograft rejection of islet transplants in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice. Ann NY Acad Sci 2001; 8:38-38.

44.       Sevigny J, Dranoff JA, Braun N, Lemmens R, Kruglov E, Csizmadia E, Smith RN, Zimmermann H, Kirley T and Robson SC.  Identification and characterization of membrane-associated hepatic NTP diphosphohydrolases. Hepatology 2001; 34(4): p. 451A-451A.

43.       Nikolic B, Leykin I, Smith RN, and Sykes M. Mixed bone marrow chimerism induced with a non-myeloablative conditioning regimen leads to tolerance of recipient T cells to donor islet grafts and cure of autoimmune diabetes. Clin Immunol 2002; 103(3):S81.

44.       Smith RN, Chang Y, Grazette L, and Houser SL. Heart allograft patients with Quilty B lesions are at a higher risk for subsequent high grade rejetions. Lab Invest 2002; 82(1):63A-64A.

45.       Smith RN, Chang Y, Grazette L, and Houser SL. Heart allograft patients with quilty B lesions are at a higher risk for subsequent high grade rejetions. Mod Pathol 2002; 15(1):63A-64A.

46.       Koulmanda M, Qipo A, Smith RN, Kawai T, O'Neil J, Koyama I, Weir G, Auchincloss H, and Strom TB. Islet allograft survival in diabetic monkeys after anti-CD154, DST, and sirolimus treatment. Transplantation 2003; 76(4):S51.

47.       Yamashita K, McDaid J, Ollinger R, Wang HJ, Csizmadia E, Smith RN, Soares MP, and Bach FH 2004. Induced heme oxygenase-1 plus donor specific transfusion yields antigen specific tolerance mediated by regulatory CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells. Am J Transplant 2004; 4:555-555.

48.       Abdi R, Jurewicz M, Fiorina P, Auchincloss H, Smith RN, Luster AD, and Sayegh MH. 2005. Specificity of chemokine receptor in maturation of donor vs. recipient dendritic cells. Induction of tolerogenic dcs and regulatory T cells by targeting chemokine receptors. Am J Transplant 2005; 5:433.

49.       Shimizu I, Smith RN, Zhao GL, Medof E, and Sykes M. DAF prevents acute humoral rejection induced by low titers of anti-alpha Gal antibodies in GalT KO mice. Xenotransplantation 2005; 12(5): 410.

50.       Ueno T, Hulbert AL, Ito T, Jurewicz M, Smith RN, Chase CM, Russell PS, Auchincloss H, Hynes RO, Sayegh MH, and Abdi R. Describing a novel role of beta 3 integrin in allograft rejection. Amn J Transplant 2005; 5:543.

51.       Fiorina P, Jurewicz M, Smith RN, Auchincloss H, Luster A, Sayegh MH, and Abdi R 2006. Induction of tolerogenic dendritic cells by targeting chemokine receptor CCR2 in islet transplantation. Diabetes 2006; 55:A445-A445.

52.       Rotman SC, Smith RN, Kawai T, Della Pelle P, Cosimi AB, and Colvin RB. Detection of T regulatory cells expressing Foxp3 in renal allografts: Potential pathogenetic and diagnostic implications. Lab Invest 2006; 86:265A-265A.

53.       Rotman SC, Smith RN, Kawai T, Della Pelle P, Cosimi AB, and Colvin RB. Detection of T regulatory cells expressing Foxp3 in renal allografts: Potential pathogenetic and diagnostic implications. Mod Pathol 2006; 19:265A.

54.       Smith RN, Nagle JA, and Cagliero E. Pathology of an islet transplant two years after transplantation. Diabetes 2006; 55:A60-A60.

55.       Ueno T, Jurewiez M, Tanaka K, Shea S, Fiorina P, Smith RN, Sayegh MH, and Abdi R. Divergent role of Tissue/Donor dendritic cells in rejection versus tolerance of cardiac allografts: Studies with CX3CR1 deficient mice. Am J Transplant 2007; 7:328.

56.       Goes NB, Puri S, Smith RN, Heher E, Collins AB, Saidman S, Fitzpatrick D, Cosimi AB, Colvin RB, and Tolkoff-Rubin NE. Rituximab therapy for treatment of chronic humoral rejection (CHR). Am J Transplant 2008; 8:443.

57.       Murakami T, Putheti P, Boskovic S, Nadazdin O, Smith RN, Colvin RB, Strom TB, Sachs DH, Cosimi AB, and Kawai T. Optimal timing for "delayed tolerance" induction to minimize inflammatory responses and memory T cell activation. Am J Transplant 2008; 8:481.

58.       Smith RN, Kent SC, Nagle J, Selig M, Iafrate J, Najafian N, Hafler DA, Auchincloss H, Orban T, and Cagliero E. Pathology of a human islet transplant: Evidence for a non-immunological loss. Am J Transplant 2008; 8:431.

59.       Wilbur DC, Madi K, Colvin RB, Duncan LM, Faquin WC, Ferry JA, Frosch MP, Houser SL, Kradin RL, Lauwers GY, Louis DN, Mark EJ, Mino-Kenudson M, Misdraji J, Nielsen GP, Pitman MB, Raheintullah A, Rosenberg AE, Smith RN, Stone JR, Tambouret RH, Wu CL, Young RH, Zenbowicz A, and Klietmann W 2008. Whole slide imaging digital pathology: A pilot study using paired subspecialist correlations. Lab Invest 2008; 88:374A-374A.

60.       Wilbur DC, Madi K, Colvin RB, Duncan LM, Faquin WC, Ferry JA, Frosch MP, Houser SL, Kradin RL, Lauwers GY, Louis DN, Mark EJ, Mino-Knudson M, Misdraji J, Nielsen GP, Pitman MB, Rahemtullah A, Rosenberg AE, Smith RN, Stone JR, Tambouret RH, Wu CL, Young RH, Zembowicz A, and Klietmann W. 2008. Whole slide imaging digital pathology: A pilot study using paired subspecialist correlations. Mod Pathol 2008; 21:374A.

61.       Collins,AB, Farris AB, Smith RN, Adams CD, Della Pelle PA, Saidman S, Wong W, and Colvin RB. Challenges in the Diagnosis of Chronic Antibody Mediated Rejection Due to Loss of Peritubular Capillaries and Low Extent and Transient Nature of C4d Deposition. Lab Invest 2009; 89:301A.

62.       Collins AB, Farris AB, Smith RN, Adams CD, Della Pelle PA, Saidman S, Wong W, and Colvin RB. Challenges in the Diagnosis of Chronic Antibody Mediated Rejection Due to Loss of Peritubular Capillaries and Low Extent and Transient Nature of Cod Deposition. Mod Pathol 2009; 22:301A.

63.       Farris AB, Gaut J, Wong W, Della Pelle P, Brousaides N, Collins AB, Saidman S, Schneeberger EE, Smith RN, and Colvin RB. Pathology, Serology and Clinical Characteristics of 68 Patients with Chronic Humoral Renal Allograft Rejection (CHR). Lab Invest 2009; 89:302A.

64.       Farris AB, Gaut J, Wong W, Della Pelle, P, Brousaides N, Collins AB, Saidman S, Schneeberger EE, Smith RN, and Colvin RB. Pathology, Serology and Clinical Characteristics of 68 Patients with Chronic Humoral Renal Allograft Rejection (CHR). Mod Pathol 2009; 22:302A.

65.       Levesque VL, Mollov J, Smith RN, and Sykes M. Complement fixation and follicular dendritic cell pickup of alpha gal immune complexes are critical for induced anti-gal humoral responses. Xenotransplantation 2009; 16(5):369-369.

66.       Murakami T, Boskovic S, Nadazdin O, Ochiai T, Benichou G, Putheti P, Smith RN, Colvin RB, Strom TB, Sachs DH, Cosimi AB, and Kawai T. Deletion of CD8 Memory T Cells and Antiviral Immunity in "Delayed Tolerance" Induction. Am J Transplant 2009; 9:721.

67.       Schuetz C, Lee KM, Machaidze Z, Smith RN, Deng SP, and Markmann JF. 2009. Anti-Proliferative Effect of Immunosuppressive Drugs on Pancreatic beta-Cells. Am J Transplant 2009; 9:673.

68.       Weiner JI, Yamada K, Ishikawa Y, Moran S, Etter J, Shimizu A, Smith RN, and Sachs DH. Prolonged survival of GalT-KO swine skin on baboons. Xenotransplantation 2009; 16(5):358-358.

69.       Weynand B, Collins AR, and Smith RN. Combined Positive C4d and C3d Immunofluorescence in Human Heart Transplants: How Frequent Is the Coexpression Seen? J Heart Lung Transpl 2009; 28(2):S77.

70.       Aoyama A, Boskovic S, Yamada Y, Nadazdin O, Murakami T, Ochiai T, Smith RN, Colvin RB, Benichou G, Sachs DH, Cosimi AB, and Kawai T.  Superior Induction of Mixed Chimerism and Renal Allograft Tolerance in Cyclosporine over Tacrolimus in Delayed Tolerance Induction. Am J Transplant 2010; 10:488-488.

71.       Farris AB, Taheri D, Fazlollahi L, Iafrate AJ, Smith RN, Collins AB, Tolkoff-Rubin N, Spitzer TR, Kawai T, Cosimi AB, Sachs DH, and Colvin RB. Distinctive Renal Biopsy Pathology in the Engraftment Syndrome: A Response to Combined Kidney and Bone Marrow Transplantation. Lab Invest 2010; 90:339A.

72.       Farris AB, Taheri D, Fazlollahi L, Iafrate AJ, Smith RN, Collins AB, Tolkoff-Rubin N, Spitzer TR, Kawai T, Cosimi AB, Sachs DH, and Colvin RB. Distinctive Renal Biopsy Pathology in the Engraftment Syndrome: A Response to Combined Kidney and Bone Marrow Transplantation. Mod Pathol 2010; 23:339A.

73.       Wang H, Smith RN, and Stone JR. Ascending Giant Cell Aortitis without Systemic Symptoms Is Associated with an Increased Frequency of Subsequent Distal Aortic Events. Lab Invest 2010; 90:85A.

74.       Wang H, Smith RN, and Stone JR. Ascending Giant Cell Aortitis without Systemic Symptoms Is Associated with an Increased Frequency of Subsequent Distal Aortic Events. Mod Pathol 2010; 23:85A.

75.       Wong WC, Devito J, Nguyen H, Sarracino D, Porcheray F, Dargon I, Della Pelle P, Collins AB, Smith RN, Tolkoff-Rubin N, Colvin R, and Zorn E. Chronic Humoral Rejection of Human Kidney Allografts Is Associated with Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 Accumulation in Glomeruli and Its Release in the Urine. Am J Transplant 2010; 10:35-35.

76.       Yamada Y, Boskovic S, Aoyama A, Nadazdin O, Murakami T, Ochiai T, Smith RN, Colvin RB, Benichou G, Sachs DH, Cosimi AB, and Kawai T. The Optimal Timing for Delayed Tolerance Induction with Minimal Alloimmune Responses. Am J Transplant 2010; 10:554-554.

77.       Gozzelino R, Seixas E, Chora A, Ferreira A, Silva G, Larsen R, Rebelo S, Penido C, Smith RN, Coutinho A, and Soares MP. Heme sensitization to TNF-mediated programmed cell death dictates the outcome of plasmodium infection in mice. in:  Advances in TNF Family Research. D. Wallach, A. Kovalenko, and M. Feldman, Editors. 2011.Abstract p. 679.

78.       Kawai T, Sachs DH, Spitzer T, Nina TR, Wong W, Smith RN, Ko D, Williams W, Saidman S, Sykes M, Colvin RB, and Cosimi AB 2011. Follow-Up of HLA Mismatched Kidney Transplantation after Discontinuing Maintenance Immunosuppression. Am J Transplant 2011; 11:77.

79.       Kushner YB, Malik FA, Collins AB, Holmes RK, Smith RN, and Colvin RB. Glomerular Endothelial Injury in Patients with Non-Renal Transplants: Are We Missing Subclinical Thrombotic Microangiopathy? Lab Invest 2011; 91:347A.

80.       Kushner YB, Malik FA, Collins AB, Holmes RK, Smith RN, and Colvin RB. 2011. Glomerular Endothelial Injury in Patients with Non-Renal Transplants: Are We Missing Subclinical Thrombotic Microangiopathy? Mod Pathol 2011; 24:347A.

81.       Nadazdin O, Boskovic S, Murakami T, Tocco G, Smith RN, Colvin RB, Sachs DH, Allan J, Madsen JC, Kawai T, Cosimi AB, and Benichou G. Influence of Host's Alloreactive Memory T Cells on Tolerance to Kidney Allografts in Non-Human Primates. Am J Transplant 2011; 11:516-516.

82.       Magee CN, De Serres SA, Mfarrej BG, Singh MK, Taheri D, Smith RN, Colvin RB, Najafian N and Murphy B.  Development of De Novo Alloantibodies Post Transplantation is Associated with Poorer Allograft Function and Adverse Histological Features. Am J Transplant 2011: p. 285-385.

82.       Aoyama A, Tonsho M, Yamada Y, Millington TM, Boskovic S, Lee S, Smith RN, Madsen JC, Kawai T, and Allan JS. In Vivo Expansion of Regulatory T Cells with ATG and Inhibition of IL-6 Prolongs Non-Human Primate Lung Allografts Survival. J Heart Lung Transpl 2012; 31(4):S126-S126.

83.       Collins AB, Farkash EA, Beck LH, Smith RN, and Colvin RB. Detection of PLA2R in Glomerular Deposits in Membranous Nephropathy Cases Seronegative for Anti-PLA2R. Am Soc Nephrol 2012; 23:  FR-0R008.

84.       Farkash EA, Zhang P, Khawaja Z, Saidman S, Smith RN, Williams W, Collins AB, Alessandorini A, and Colvin R. Non-C1q-Fixing Antibodies Predominate in C4d-Negative Chronic Antibody Mediated Rejection. J Am Soc Nephrol 2012; 23.

85.       Farkash E, Zhang P, Khawaja Z, Saidman S, Collins AB, Smith RN, Williams W, Hill G, Colvin R, and Alessandrini A. Non-Complement-Fixing Antibodies Predominate in C4d-Negative Chronic Antibody Mediated Rejection. Am J Transplant 2012; 12:450.

86.       Lee S, Aoyama A, Tonsho M, Boskovic S, Yamada Y, Smith RN, Colvin RB, Cosimi AB, Benichou G, Madsen JC, Kawai T, and Allan JS. Anti-IL-6R Antibodies Prevent Acute Rejection of Allogeneic Lung Transplants in Monkeys. Am J Transplant 2012; 12:96.

87.       Onozato M, Fazlollahi L, Smith RN, Collins AB, and Iafrate AJ. 2012. In Situ Genetic Analysis of Cellular Chimerism in Gender Independent Kidney Transplantation. J Am Soc Nephrol 2012; 23.

88.       Sihag S, Aoyama A, Gottschall JD, Wain JC, Arn JS, Farkash EA, Smith RN, Madsen JC, Rosengard BR, Sachs DH, and Allan JS. Prolonged Survival of Pulmonary Allografts between Highly Inbred Miniature Swine without Immunosuppression. Am J Transplant 2012; 12:458.

89.       Yamada Y, Boskovic S, Lee S, Nadazdin O, Tonsho M, Aoyama A, Klarin D, Smith RN, Colvin R, Tocco G, Alessandrini A, Madsen J, Sachs D, Cosimi B, Benichou G, and Kawai T. In Vivo IL-2 Administration Can Abolish Tolerance to Kidney Allografts Induced Via Mixed Chimerism in Non-Human Primates. Am J Transplant 2012; 12:446-446.

90.       Schuetz C, Wamala I, Kim K, Varma M, Veilleitte GR, Smith RN, Elias N, Cosimi AB, Sachs DH and Hertl M.  Primate Recipients of Porcine Livers Develop Fatal Coagulopathy Despite Prevention of Thrombocytopenia.  Transplantation 2012; 94(10): p. 67-67.

90.       Lee S, Aoyama A, Tonsho M, Boskovic S, Smith RN, Cosimi AB, Madsen JC, Benichou G, Kawai T, and Allan JS. Lung allograft tolerance in non-human primates following delayed donor bone marrow transplantation. J Am Coll Surgeons 2013; 217(3):S142.

91.       Lee S, Yamada Y, Tonsho M, Boskovic S, Smith RN, Colvin RB, Madsen JC, Cosimi AB, Benichou G, and Kawai T. Renal allograft tolerance can be achieved in non-human primates via delayed mixed-hematopoietic chimerism and alefacept treatment. J Am Coll Surgeons 2013; 217(3):S142.

92.       Collins AB, Swett CM, Rosales I, Smith RN, and Colvin RB. Detection of Anti-Phospholipase A2 Receptors Antibodies in the Diagnosis of Primary Membranous Glomerulonephritis (MGN) Using Immunoassay (ELISA) and Indirect Immunofluorescence.  Am Soc Nephrol, Kidney Week. 2014. Philadelphia, PA.

93.       Rosales I, Collins AB, Rhee E, Steele D, Chan K, Plotkin S, Colvin RB, and Smith RN. Immune Complex Disease associated with Chronic Bevacizumab Treatment for Vestibular Schwannomas In Neurofibromatosis 2 Patients. Am Soc Nephrol. Kidney Week. 2014. Philadelphia, PA.

94.       Sharma A, Rosales I, Vasilyev A, Colvin RB, and Smith RN. Successful Eculizumab Treatment of Atypical Postinfectious Glomerulonephritis/C3 Nephropathy. Am Soc Nephrol. Kidney Week. 2014. Philadelphia, PA.

95.       Cosimi AB, Dehnadi A, Smith RN, Li X, and Arnaout MA. Inhibiting leukocyte integrin CD11b/CD18 (αMβ2) with a novel mAb salvaged kidney function following otherwise irreversible ischemic kidney injury in Cynomolgus monkeys. Am Soc Clin Invest/ Am Assoc Physicians Joint Meeting, 2015. Chicago, Il.

96.       Zhang W, Yi Z, Li Z, Menon M, Li L, Xi C, Greene I, Wei C, Gallon L, Samaniego M, Djamaji A, Alexander S, Schroppel B, Nankivell B, Chapman J, Rosales I, Smith RN, Colvin R, O’Connell P, Heeger P and Murphy B.  Distinct Blood and Biopsy Meta-Signatures for Acute Rejection Post Kidney Transplant.  Am J Transplant 2015. 15.

96.       Adam B, Rosales I, Oura T, Smith R, Cosimi A, Kawai T, Colvin R, Mengel M. Molecular diagnosis of antibody-mediated rejection in routine formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded nonhuman primate renal allograft biopsies. Am Transplant Congress. 2016. A16. Boston, MA.

97.       Aoyama A, Tonsho M, Smith RN, Colvin R, Dehnadi A, Madsen J, Cosimi A, Benichou G, Kawai T, Allan J. Non-human primate lung allograft survival is prolonged by IL-6 inhibition and ATG treatment possibly through expansion of peripheral regulatory T cells. Am Transplant Congress. 2016. A2. Boston, MA.

98.       Tonsho M, Benichou G, Yu R, Boskovic S, Colvin R, Farkash E, Smith RN, Allan J, Cosimi A, Kawai T, Madsen J. Delayed induction of mixed chimerism permits kidney-induced cardiac allograft tolerance to be applied to recipients of cadaveric organs. Am Transplant Congress. 2016. A478. Boston, MA.

99.       Tonsho M, Spencer PJ, Yu R, Huh K-H, Tena A, Millington T, Muniappan A, Smith RN, Colvin RB, Allan JS, and Madsen JC.  Heart en bloc thymus transplantation permits long-term, acute rejection-free cardiac allograft survival in nonhuman primates (NHPs).  Transplantation 2016; 100(7): p. S501-S501.

100.     Huh K, Sommers W, Robinson KA, Wu X, Paster JT, Hanekamp I, Dehnadi A, Kawai T, Smith RN, Colvin R, Benichou G and Madsen J.  Two months delayed induction of mixed chimerism after heart and kidney cotransplantation in nonhuman primates.  J Heart Lung Transplant 2017; 36(4): p. S192-S193.

101.     Oura T, Hotta K, Rosales I, Dehnadi A, Lei J, Markmann JJ, Matsunami M, Paster J, Hanekapm I, Pruner K, Kawai K, Ndishabandi D, Smith RN, Cosimi B and Kawai T.  Dual costimulatory blockades failed to achieve transplant tolerance despite induction of mixed chimerism in NHPs.  Am J Transplant 2017; 17: p. 344-345.

99.       Adam B, Smith R, Matsunami M, Rosales I, Afzali B, Oura T, Cosimi A, Kawai T, Colvin R, Mengel M. Gene Expression During Development of Chronic Antibody-Mediated Rejection in Renal Allografts from Non-Human Primates: Validation of Markers Used in Humans and Sequential Changes in Protocol Biopsies. Am Transplant Congress. 2018. #A315, Seattle, WA.

100.     Matsunami M, Oura T, Rosales I, Smith R, Adam B, Mengel M, Cosimi A, Colvin R, Kawai T. mRNA Biomarkers in Renal Allograft Protocol Biopsies Detected by the Nanostring Platform Predict Tolerance in Non-Human Primates

101.     Smith RN, Matsunami M, Adam BA, Rosales IA, Oura T, Cosimi AB, Kawai T, Mengel M, Colvin RB. RNA expression profiling of renal allografts in the cynomolgus monkey identifies tolerance. American Transplant Congress 2018, Abstract #A526, Seattle, WA.

102.     Hotta K, Oura T, Dehnadi A, Matsunami M, Rosales I, Smith RN, Colvin RB, Cosimi AB, Kawai T. Long-term nonhuman primate renal allograft survival without ongoing immunosuppression in recipients of delayed donor bone marrow transplantation. American Transplant Congress 2018, Abstract #A395, Seattle, WA.

103.     Sasaki H, Thaiss CC, Oura T, Rosales IA, Smith RN, Colvin RB, Cosimi BA, Kawai T. Characterization of renal allograft tolerance induction via transient mixed chimerism in non-human primates. American Transplant Congress 2018, Abstract #401, Seattle, WA.

104.     Sommer W, Jane MO, Pruner KB, Paster JT, Hanekamp IM, Dehnadi A, Rosales I, Smith RN, Colvin RB, Benichou G, Allan JS, Madsen JC. Heart en bloc thymus cotransplantation in NHPs controls cellular but not humoral alloreactivity. American Transplant Congress 2018, Abstract 399

105.     Sommer W, Jane MO, Robinson KA, Dehnadi A, Hanekamp IM, Rosales I, Pruner KB, Smith RN, Colvin RB, Kawai T, Benichou G, Madsen JC, Allan JS. Organ-specific differences in a thymoglobulin and belatacept-based protocol for tolerance induction in non-human primates. American Transplant Congress 2018, Abstract #A428, Seattle, WA.

106.     Jane O, Robinson K, Sommer W, Pruner K, Paster J, Hanekamp IM, Dehnadi A, Rosales I, Smith RN, Cravedi P, Heeger PS, Benichou G, Madsen JC. Effect of erythropoietin on cardiac allograft survival in non-human primates. American Transplant Congress 2018, Abstract #A432, Seattle, WA.

107.     Rosales IA, Adam B, Mengel M, Oura T, Matsunami M, Kawai T, Cosimi AB, Smith RN, Colvin RB. Chronic antibody mediated rejection in renal allografts shows RNA transcript patterns that evolve with stage. American Transplant Congress 2018, Abstract #C23, Seattle, WA.

108.     Smith RN, Adam BA, Rosales IA, Matsunami M, Oura T, Cosimi BA, Kawai T, Mengel M, Colvin RB. RNA expression profiling of renal allografts in a non-human primate identifies inflammation as a risk factor in chronic antibody mediated rejection. American Transplant Congress 2018, Abstract #C28, Seattle, WA.   

109.     W. Zhang, Z. Yi, C. Wei, K. Keung, Z. Sun, C. Xi, C. Woytovich, S. Farouk, L. Gallon, M. Menon, C. Magee, N. Najafian, M. Samaniego, A. Djamali, S. Alexander, I. Rosales, R. Smith, P. O'Connel, R. Colvin, P. Cravedi, B. Murphy. Pre-Transplant Transcriptomic Signature in Peripheral Blood Predicts Early Acute Rejection after Kidney Transplant. American Transplant Congress 2019. Boston, MA. Abstract 578.

110.     M. Matsunami, I. Rosales, T. Oura, B. Adam, M. Mengel, R. Smith, A. Cosimi, R. Colvin, T. Kawai. Significantly High FOXP3 mRNA in the Renal Allograft as a Mechanism of Tolerance Induced by Transient Mixed Chimerism in Non-Human Primates. American Transplant Congress 2019. Boston, MA. Abstract 581.

111.     Rosales I, Tomaszewski K, Acheampong E, Weins A, Smith RN, Sise ME, Colvin RB. Kidney biopsy             transcript patterns offer a novel approach to distinguish etiologies of acute interstitial nephritis. ASN Kidney Week 2020, Oct 20-25, 2020.

112.     Sommer W, Kurt P. Paster JT, Bean A, Dehnadi A, Hanekamp IM, Rosales I, Smith RN, Colvin RB, Benichou G, Allan JS, Kawai T and Madsen JC.  Detrimental effects of donor brain death on tolerance induction may be eliminated by delaying mixed chimerism in non-human primates.  J             Heart Lung Transplant 2020; 39(4): p. S476-S476.

113.     Jane OM, Pruner K, Dehnadi A, Hu KH, Robinson KA, Hanekamp I, Rosales I, Bean AS, Pater J, Oura T, Smith RN, Colvin RB, Benichous G, Kawai T, Madsen JC and Allan JS.  A mixed-chimerism protocol utilizing thymoglobulin and Belatacept did not induce lung allograft tolerance,             despite previous success in renal allotransplantation.  Transplant Direct 2021; In Press.114.

114.     Song S, Di Xia F, Smith RN, Kroshinsky D. “Thromboangiitis obliterans with possible proximal arterial involvement.” American Academy of Dermatology Association, ePoster talk, April 2021. Conference held online due to COVID-19 pandemic.